
Siriusblackimagine Stories

avril 19th, 2023

You glared at him, and he hurried away to his dorm in fear. You zoned out as Sirius tried again to explain his joke, distracted by the sound of the common room door open and a familiar face appearing. A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as you locked eyes with Remus, a smile he returned brightly as he crossed the room slowly towards where you sat with the other Marauders.

You weren’t sure how he did it, but every time he spoke he sounded like he was plotting something. “I’m better than I was,” he answered, a little sadly. You smiled sympathetically, hugging him. You frowned, hearing an indignant cry, seemingly from behind the curtains. “Hello (Y/N),” smiled Remus, approaching you where you stood by the curtains. You looked up from your book, smiling warmly when you recognised Sirius Black standing in front of you.

You wanted some alone time with your fiancé, that was all you were asking for actually. When you heard the news that Sirius had escaped Azkaban you were 34 years old, you should have been the wife of Sirius for 9 years by now. You were drinking tea with Remus at his house and you dropped your tea cup spilling tea everywhere. Remus quickly waved his wand to clean up the mess and handed you a piece of chocolate while trying to comfort you but he was scared himself. Your friendship and closeness never faltered during the war, you did spend a lot of time apart from your friends as you had to go help your family and your friends were a part of the order. Of all the couples in Hogwarts the “hottest” couple, wasn’t even an actual couple.

Harry Potter Imagines — Young Remus Lupin Imagine – Dating Advice from…

It’s hard not to feel major mom guilt for dropping the ball here. Sure in that time we’ve been involved in girl scouts, shes’s bounced from gymnastics to cheer and now climbing but I can’t help but wonder where our hearts would be had we not let our blog get lost in the cloud. Harry was staring blankly at his godparents, he just wished he could throw this… experience, far away from his memories, but now he didn’t know if he would ever be able to look at them girlsdateforfree com in the same way he did before. Ron couldn’t take his gaze to meet theirs, he just couldn’t look at them in the eyes after what he heard and thought. Hermione was more embarrassed with the situation than shocked, she knew pretty well that adults had sex, but she wasn’t waiting to hear them doing it anytime soon. You moaned with the reaction you got out of Sirius, that just pulled your hair up in a ponytail with the vibration of your moan against him.

I peered out from behind the curtain, hoping to make a quiet escape, only to meet y/n’s eyes. The only person in my family who I liked was my brother, Regulus. Bellatrix was my least favorite cousin – she was cruel and vain, and at times I doubted her sanity. I avoided her as much as possible. I felt teeth close around my robe, and I was being pulled forward. I scratched desperately at the walls around me, trying to get a hold on something, but Sirius – the dog – dragged me into the room, where I found myself surrounded by James, Peter, and a very ill-looking Remus.

Young Remus Lupin Imagine – A Confrontational Boyfriend

He just looked cuter than usual, and I hadn’t seen him in a long time. But when I looked at him again, Remus was back to normal. He was blushing, and his hair had fallen over his eyes, and he just looked so cute and embarrassed. So I laughed a bit, leaned in, and kissed him again. I am so so so so so so so sorry I haven’t posted in like forever.

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I won’t hesitate.” He had such a serious face, you knew he would do it. You could see out of the corner of your eyes that even your mother was shocked. Like the snap of a finger your father was right in front of you, you had never felt so small.

I covered my mouth as he shrunk and grew fur. I had to close my eyes as his bones rearranged themselves, but in a matter of moments, Sirius was a big, black dog. I smiled at him and in doing so noticed the other two boys lurking by a window – Peter Pettigrew and James Potter. The four of them had been great friends ever since we started school at Hogwarts.

Remus never acted like that – it was way more typical of Sirius Black, Remus’ friend and a massive flirt. ” You stood up for yourself, a rare thing for you to do, but you hated it when they had a go at you about your friendship with Sirius. I hope you know that coming this holiday break you’ll be making up for these pathetic acts of disobedience. Tilting your head to the side, he copies your action making you smile, slowly reaching your hand out to him, he lets out a low rumbling noise. “Cause once upon a time you said ‘I love you’ but it was just fantasy.” You walked off, leaving Sirius alone in the cold hallway, paintings sharing looks of shock. ‘He’s not worth your emotions’ You thought as you walked out of the common room, faintly being able to hear him calling after you.

The worst thing about it was that there was nothing I could say to make him feel better. So I did the next best thing – I kissed him. Remus slid over in the bed and pulled back the covers so I could lay down with him.

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