
8 Things Civilians Should Know Before Dating Someone In The Military

avril 17th, 2023

I’m an 18 year old fresh out of high school leaving for the AF in a couple months. I like talking to girls just once it gets to being in a relationship I push them away. But now I’m starting to realize I’m getting older and thinking of the fact that I might not ever get married, have kids, ect. Is the main way just meeting the baddies through tinder or dating within the AF?

The community has come a long way, but even still there may be times when you don’t feel you fit in. Make some friends, be polite to everyone, and listen more than you speak. They can at times, but they don’t have to. Sometimes couples get engaged and then married quickly because of an upcoming deployment or duty station move. In the eyes of military, you must be married in order for your spouse to come with you. My boyfriend and I were together for years before we got married.

Because of this unique schedule, members of the armed forces tend to move on different romantic timelines than the average Joe. Often, that equates to getting a lot more serious a lot more quickly. Now, if we say half of singles are abstinent or celibate that’s still 56 million people who are capable of performing the deed. Active duty Air Force is around 330K personnel. If military people are a part of the larger population, it’s possible that 45% are single . There are people out there who are going to think you’re crazy for dating a military man.

Either way, since my dating days I noted that being alone is not being lonely; life is far more peaceful. I was dating in the military back when the only dating site was like hello cupid or some shit. It was taboo back then if you were meeting up on dating sites, so meeting people in person was commonplace. The dating pool was much larger as lack of social media outside facebook still kept things more localized.

I’ve had friends that desperately jump from marriage to marriage and end up broke or worst. And others can’t pick up a girl to save their life. I’m gonna go ahead and say that is entirely unique to the person you’re dating and has little to do with him being in the military. Long distance, demanding training schedules, frequent moves, and more — all are serious contributors to a challenging lifestyle. If you truly love the person you’re with, you’ll find a way to make it work.

They’ll never know your car was parked in the same driveway overnight. Serving in the military might add a wrinkle to things but I don’t think is much more different that as a civilian. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.

Service members are independent and you should be, too.

Most populations average 50/50 male/female. I’ll talk about heterosexuality exclusively, but homosexuality and other more exotic flavors only compound the problem. So, take a 50/50 population and throw in a few thousand military. Depending on the size of the local pop, you’ve unbalanced the scales and increased competition. We’ve all met the guy who dated some girl he met online from another country and the girl ended up being some Ukranian dude. Just because there are single women somewhere doesnt mean you can date them from Canon.

Now with Tinder and all that, the pond has become an ocean and unfortunately for the guys, 99% of you are frys fighting whales. I wish you luck and am glad I bagged my bride and have been out of the game since then. The truth of the matter is that you can date in the military. I have a couple of male friends that never married in their AF careers and never had an issue with dating.

Want more about a military member going to boot camp?

Your reaction to these times will give you an idea as to how the future may look. Sometimes, they can’t tell us what’s going on at work, and sometimes they don’t want to. Either way, the secrets he’s keeping are not a reflection of his trustworthiness. There are some things he just can’t tell you, and you’ll soon learn not to ask. The harsh reality is that veterans have seen a lot more than most civilians can imagine.

And dont forget about deployments and PCSing. If you’re dating a military man, there are times it will feel like your life comes second. Your education or career may be at the bottom of the list of priorities.

Just because they spend one weekend with you doesn’t mean that next weekend will be the same. Don’t overly display supportive military gear like you’re rooting for your favorite sports team. I don’t condone unprofessional relationships…BUT…drive a rental car. Preferably a car that’s so bland it looks like every car…and a silver one. Like a silver sentra/kia/hyundai/toyota.

I can also imagine it must be hard keeping a relationship as well which scares me as if I can/like it I am aiming for 20 years. Just don’t want to die with just my brothers by my side. Met, dated, married my wife and had a kid since being in the military. That was 6 years ago that I met her and I was 25. I wanted to start my life after 4 years of uncertainty and years before that of kind of doing nothing and going no where before I joined.

One guy at my unit in England literally ran out of Tinder matches I think up to 100 miles from our city. The military brat title exists for a reason. It’s not uncommon for military families to have to hop from base to base over the years, so prepare yourself for that possibility. Plans might change or be canceled at the last minute. One moment they’re free to go on a date night, the next day they’re pulling an all-nighter.

Once i make it past bmt, and tech school will i have any time to date? I’m just trying to get an idea of how structured my day to day life will be once i reach my duty station. I’m not sure if this is sarcasm, but the answer is locality.

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